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The GRATES Gold Grain


Even the smallest Grates Gold Grain carries within it a potent vibrational facet of the most profound energetic spark: Virtue.


Each Grates Gold Grain contains a unique energetic force. Whoever owns hos Gold Grain will be protected from all damaging external influences. The new frequency that awakes within your soul will emit boundless waves of goodness to others, forging connections with your internal power source, awakening that which lies within. 

GRATES - Lotus

  • The GRATES Gold Grain carries energies and frequencies that awaken your soul and its memories.

    The purpose of the Gold Grain:
    1. To connect to the singular golden source of Vibrations of Grates.
    2. To awaken the spark of the Virtue of your Soul's Grates and to increase its frequency.
    3. To transfer to others a new energy: the Impulse of Grates, created for the awakening of Virtue in others.

    Material :
    24 carat pure Gold from the mystical Andes mountains

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